
Present Students

    Present Postdocs

    • Ben Moore-Maley (LANL) – external co-advisor
    Previous Students 
    • Theresa Morrison (advisor; co-advisor: Sarah Gille, now at NOAA GFDL)
    • Joshua Jones (PhD Committee member, now at SIO)
    • Isabella Arzeno-Soltero (PhD Committee member, now at Stanford University)
    • André Palóczy (co-advised with Sarah Gille and Jen Mackinnon, now at University of Oslo, Norway)
    • Arachaporn (Waen) Anutaliya (co-advised with Uwe Send and Janet Sprintall, now at Burapha University, Thailand)
    • Andrew Delman (co-advised with Janet Sprintall and Lynne Talley, now at UCLA)
    • Linghan Li (PhD Committee member)
    • Antonio Martinho (PhD Committee member, Naval Postgraduate School, now at IH, Portugal)
    • Jimmie Pelton (Naval Postgraduate School, now at Eniram)
    • Michael Lemon (Naval Postgraduate School, NOAA Corps, retired)
    Previous Post-Docs
    • Elizabeth Fine (now at IOD/SIO)
    • He Wang (co-advised with Lynne Talley, now at UCAR/NOAA GFDL/U. Michigan)
    • Ru Chen (co-advised with Sarah Gille, now at Tianjin University, China)
    • Alexa Griesel (co-advised with Sarah Gille and Janet Sprintall, now at U. Hamburg, Germany)
    • Detelina Ivanova (LLNL, now at Climformatics)
    • Prasad Thoppil (Naval Postgraduate School, now at NRLSSC)
    • Lianghua Shu (Naval Postgraduate School, now at Data Recognition Corporation)
    Previous Mentorees:
    • Lixiao Xu (Ocean University of China)
    • Alma Castillo-Trujillo (now at WHOI)
    • Tim Sieke (SIO SRA; now MS student at U. Kiel)
    • Evan Sawyer (SIO SRA; now Res. Data Analyst at SIO/UCSD)